Sunday, April 2, 2017


She went through me
like a sharp diner knife;
when I looked down at my chest
there was no heart left.

You should have seen it,
it was like a horror movie:
chunks of blood and bits of gore
strewn all over my room.

I tried to hang on to the pieces,
but they were sliced apart.
She had completely
rammed through me.

Nothing remains inside
after a person goes through you like that.
All you can do is get up, slowly,
and wander away.

"Why did you do this to me?" I asked her.
She stared at me with big doll eyes.
"Because I could," she said
as I backed into the darkness.

1 comment:

  1. Best description of a heartbreak I've ever read... this one touched me deeply... amazing job!
